Thursday, March 31, 2011

Authorlink Interview with F.J. Lennon

Many thanks to Authorlink's Diane Slocum, who recently interviewed me about Soul Trapper and the path to its publication.  CLICK HERE to read the interview.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pranic Healing

When protagonist Kane Pryce nearly dies on a spiritual journey in my novel, Soul Trapper, his life is saved after several intensive prana healing sessions. 

The kind of healing I described inthe book is based loosely on Pranic Healing®, a form of energy medicine that uses prana, or life-force, to balance and harmonize body's energy pathways. 

I studied Pranic Healing about a decade ago.  Though I would never favor it over conventional medicine, I found it to be a very interesting topic.  And I personally got a lot out of the guided meditation sessions that are a part of the process. 

To learn more about Pranic Healing, click here.